Saturday, November 2, 2019

Delete Target Sheet Automatically if the Target Sheet is Unprotected!

Friend asked me a little query.

he wants VBA to delete his Target Sheet automatically if the Target Sheet is Unprotected!

Now, that's something easy but it's not! Not at all! unless you know the best way to achieve that task using an available property of the Sheet Object.

There's a Sheet property called,."ProtectContents"

Here's how you can perform..

Step 1: Choose TargetSheet
Step 2: Open Code Editor for that Target Sheet Object from VBE.
Step 3: Paste Below Code

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    On Error Resume Next
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    If Sheets("SheetName").ProtectContents = False Then
    End If
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

That's it!

Now if someone will illegally try to crack your Target Sheet password from your workbook then after any cell selection by the user will trigger the above Sheet Selection Event.

The Code further investigate using the mentioned property whether the sheet is protected or not. if it is unprotected instead of Protected then Code will delete the sheet in a fraction of seconds.

Many of us do have an idea of this and many of us would not. So this strategy will help freelancers to make their templates more commercially protected!

Keep Learning.
Kamal Bharakhda

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Questions Should be asked by Excel VBA Developer to their Clients


Questions Should be asked by Excel VBA Developer to their Clients before initiating the project.

We all are Learning lots of things as freelancers every day. Especially Non Technical part of the project. And you know it's the most important part of the project where we are getting to know everything before we begin.

I'm inviting you here to take part in this post. I hope this post will help each member of the group in their freelancing carrier.

General Category's Questions!

  1. What does your business actually do? (Explain in Short!)
  2. Why You want this application?
  3. What current setup you have to simplify the process?
  4. Why do you want to develop this application on Excel VBA Framework?
  5. Have you ever tried to research for the already available solutions? If Yes, then what makes you not to choose them for the process?
  6. Do you have your competitors? If Yes, then what they are using for the same process?
Application-oriented questions
  1. Do you want the application to run on how many systems? (1/2/Multiple)
  2. Do you want to keep your database in Excel or Outside of it?
  3. If you want to keep your database outside then where you exactly want to place? (In Online Servers or in your Local System. because if you want your application should run on two or more systems then we have to centralize the database so every system can synchronize equally at a time.)
  4. Do you want an application that should have a user-based login system? Like Admin will see everything and Employee will access few things of the system.
  5. Will this application have anything effective for the professional year changes?
  6. I will require information about each step of the application. because we will design a table of forms to save the information in the database. like, Username, address, etc.. etc..
  7. Which of the operating system are you using?
  8. Which of the Microsoft Office version are you using?
Choose User Interfaces for your application.
  1. Example 1
  2. Example 2
  3. Example 3
In this section, you have to link here Your earlier made templates or VBA application's user interfaces. Let the client decide what he wants. You can also show examples of others which you can design on your own.

Please make comments with your suggestions and ideas. Let all the members will gain more benefits. :)

Kamal Bharakhda

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Finding a String within a List of Strings

Don't you think it's too easy to perform such a procedure using INSTR function?
Yup, it's damn easy but the reason behind writing this post was a little bit core side of the problem.
Let's take an example here

suppose you have 100 cells containing a string. Now, you want to extract the cell address where the cell's string contains "1p" or anything else.
Now, Cell's string could have been anything but you have to find a specific string within a set of cells.
It's very easy to find such using following code.

dim I as Long 
For I = 1 to 100 Step 1
if VBA.Instr(1,Cells(I,1).value, "1p") > 0 then 
msgbox .cells(i,1).Address
end if 
Next I 

Above code will simply give you the address of the matching cell with string. But here comes the catch. String 1p is in standard or lower case and you might don't know in the cells which case would be there so, to avoid that confusion programmer generally uses the following line using OR logical treatment.

dim I as Long 
For I = 1 to 100 Step 1
if VBA.Instr(1,Cells(I,1).value, "1p") > 0 or VBA.Instr(1,Cells(I,1).value, "1P") then 
msgbox .cells(i,1).Address
end if 
Next I

But believe me, to execute the proper way is a bit easy and different using inbuild VBA functions. Because more stuff on the logical operation the processor would take more time to process it. So better is to use the following idea to process the same thing using  UCASE function.

dim I as Long 
For I = 1 to 100 Step 1
if VBA.Instr(1,UCASE(Cells(I,1).value), UCASE("1p")) > 0  then 
msgbox .cells(i,1).Address
end if 
Next I

Function UCASE will consider each alphabet in the string as UPPER case and that's how you bypass the CASE issue while finding them and matching the string withing string.

Our group member Anil Khanna Karunakaran has asked my this query at personal so I thought this could be a learning point for many friends.
See these kinds of little techniques are a very important part of programmers. Actually, this small difference actually defines the programmers sometimes in some situations.

Moral of the story is everything is capable to provide results. but the good programmers will do it more creative way. So, kindly share your techniques here with us to solve some general issues.

- Kamal Bharakhda

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Build Searchable Dropdown Control using ComboBox and ListBox

Steps to achieve this control

Step 1: Insert an Userform
Step 2: Insert TextBox from Toolbar
Step 3: Insert ListBox from Toolbar
Step 6: Write Few names in Sheet1 in column 1
Step 7: Insert a button on a worksheet and write the following code to it.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub

Step 4: Change ListBox Heigh to 0 from Properties window.
Step 5: Copy Following Code

Private Sub ListBox1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    MsgBox Me.ListBox1.List(Me.ListBox1.ListIndex)
End Sub

Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
    Dim I As Long, tmp As String, arr() As String
    Dim J As Long, ArrCount As Long, K As Long
    With Me.ListBox1
        .Height = 0
    End With
    If Me.TextBox1.Value = vbNullString Then Exit Sub
    tmp = vbNullString
    ArrCount = 0
    'Filling the Array with Values which matches the criteria
    With Sheet1
        J = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
        For I = 1 To J Step 1
            If InStr(1, .Cells(I, 1).Value, Me.TextBox1.Text) > 0 Then
                tmp = tmp & .Cells(I, 1).Value & "|"
            End If
        Next I
    End With
    'Filling Listbox
    With Me.ListBox1
        .Top = Me.TextBox1.Height + Me.TextBox1.Top
        If tmp <> vbNullString Then
            tmp = VBA.Left(tmp, Len(tmp) - 1)
            Erase arr
            arr = VBA.Split(tmp, "|")
            ArrCount = UBound(arr)
            For K = 0 To ArrCount Step 1
                .AddItem arr(K)
            Next K
            .Height = 100
            .AddItem "No Item Found"
            .Height = 18
        End If
    End With
    'Code By Kamal Bharakhda
End Sub

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Need for a Class-based Programming in Excel VBA!

Need of a Class based Programming and Responding to Events of Dynamically added Controls

Title speaks it self that I'm going explain here about Events Procedures of the Controls we are using in UserForms in Excel VBA.

I always wondered to myself about, "why should I required Class Based Programming rather I can manage my every tasks through General Modules in Excel VBA? "

I consistently in conversation with many experts of excel VBA who has very salient knowledge with class based programming and they always told me about we need class programming to Create the more secured, effective and manageable structure of the object based programming. Yes they are correct that's what the class programming were introduced to the world of programming.

in short, I settled with above thoughts that class programming is tool for me to make my programming structure more effective! Which indirectly means If i can manage everything from the general modules and userforms modules then I wouldn't have been in collaboration with class programming ever. So I didn't paid any attention towards class based programming so far.

But the day come when I have changed my perception regarding class programming. It wasn't simply optional part of programming but it's a necessary part of programming when you are building the solutions at certain level.

Ohh, How? You guys pretty much know about my experiments with userforms. I used to create effective user interfaces with userforms since the day I have been introduced to the userforms of Excel VBA.

As time passed I kept observing modern day application which has very nice looking interfaces and controls like menu bars and etc. But those controls were not available in the common resources of excel VBA libraries. So I have challenged myself to create those tools or controls for userforms in excel to build smart looking solutions. I have build one Menu Bar based Tool for my applications and here is the link of that:

But I found one major problem when I was developing above control where I have to add controls dynamically on the userforms. And I found there My Events of the Control which were added dynamically during run time on the userforms were not responding or not working!

So to get the rid of this issues I researched a bit and Found that the Events and methods to the dynamically added controls were not worked directly from the userform's modules.

We have to define class and with Events variables in the class so those dynamically added controls will keep reacting on the sequential events triggers.

So that's how I learned Class programming is very necessary at dynamic programming.

Here is the article where the author has solve this issue and you can refer that! Comment for more queries and ideas.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Passing Arrays to Sub Procedure

Very Very Important Tutorial for VBA Developers.

"Passing Arrays to the SubRoutine"

You won't be complete without using arrays in programming. Arrays are like blessings to the programmers. Like Juliet. :D

So usually in the life of Excel VBA developers, we code sometimes repetitive task within a single procedure. Like creating the same excel sheet or template for their office staff or for their customers using a single data table.

So what happens actually, we always Loop through a database for generating each report or template of many. so, it's a time consuming and it's even a bad way of using code VBA resource.

So what arrays will do, in a first attempt, arrays will collect the whole table into it and then you can use it for the rest. but then comes if we more repetitive processes then we have to create subroutines or sub-procedures to cut down the length of the main procedure.

So, now it's again necessary to pass the array to that subroutine or subprocedure otherwise we have to do the same procedure, again and again, we keep wasting time to fill the arrays and so on. So here is the little code will help you to understand the concept.

Option Explicit
Sub TestingArrays()
Dim Arr() As String
Dim temp As String
Dim I As Byte, J As Byte

temp = "A|B|C|D"
Arr = VBA.Split(temp, "|")

'Following is Process
For I = 1 To 5
    Call TestingLinkedArray(Arr)
Next I
End Sub

Private Sub TestingLinkedArray(ByRef Arr2() As String)
Dim I As Byte
For I = LBound(Arr2) To UBound(Arr2)
    Debug.Print Arr2(I)
Next I
Debug.Print "-----"
End Sub

- Kamal Bharakhda

Friday, March 22, 2019

Add New Item in ComboBox in a Cool Way

Step 1: In any column on a sheet let's assume Column "J". in Cell J1 type header of the combo box and in Cell J2 type "Add New Item"

Step 2: Select the Cell J2 --> Goto Formulas Tab --> Click on Name Manager --> Click on "New" --> Type any name you required, Let's say you typed "MY LIST"


Step 3: Now, U can design the user form and add the combo box in it. type the following line in the userform_initialize event

Userform1.ComboBox1.RowSource = "MY LIST"

Step 4: Double click on the combo box and write following VBA codes into it. and that's it.

Private Sub D3_Change()

    If U.D3.Value = "Create New Type" Then

        With shKDATA
            .Range("J" & .Cells(.Rows.Count, "J").End(xlUp).Row + 1).Value = _
            Application.InputBox("Please Type New Supplier Type", "Add New Supplier Type")
            With .Range("J" & .Cells(.Rows.Count, "J").End(xlUp).Row)
                If .Value = False Then
                    .Value = vbNullString
                End If
                U.D3.RowSource = "NEW_SUP_TYPE"
                U.D3.Value = .Value
            End With
        End With
    End If

End Sub

U = Name of Userform1
D3 = Name of ComboBox1

- Kamal Bharakhda

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Look for the String in the Cell of Multiple Column Table and if not found then Filter the whole row

Suppose, You have 10 columns table in excel and want to filter out such rows which do not have String that you are looking for. If any cell of the row has such string then it should not be filtered out. 

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Want your Excel File/Application will RUN smoothly in everywhere?

Hello Developers, 

With this post, I'm going to share with you a very handy and useful trick which will help you to make you Excel or Macro Enable Excel files DISTRIBUTABLE or PORTABLE.

The main issue usually excels developer faces when their highly invested spreadsheets stop working or generate of bugs in the initialization.

There are lots of causes of that problem but the main issues a developer usually face a Catastrophic Run Time Error. Which occurs when you have used a function or formula in your excel sheet which doesn't support in that office version.

Then what, developers nightmare starts from the same moment. He needs to go through each formula and code from the top to the bottom to find the unsupported functions.

But I have the solution and I'm gonna share it with you. :)

There is a website or we should call it a lifesaver website called

Now, when you gonna use any formula which you have doubts whether it will support in another system or not then just open that website and click on the search bar available in right upper corner and type the formula or function or VBA function in the text box.

Now, pick the first result from the result and everything about that formula or function will be available now.

But here comes the most interesting section of that page.

it's been titled as,

"Applies To"

Yes, go to that section and you will see the list of supported office versions. Wow, such a handy thing for the Excel developers.

My experience with Catastrophic Run time Error.

Formula IFNA has been introduced from the office 2013 version. And I have developed my application in 2016 at that time and when I have delivered that application to one of my clients who has office 2007 at that time, and application faced the error. I was in the terrible moments. My more than a hundred of hours of work is hell not responding in his system. Man, you need to see me at that time. But thanks to the god for my troubleshooting abilities it leads me to this wonderful website.

And from that point of time, I usually verify my function with dual checking with the website.

Hope it will help you in your development.

- Kamal Bharakhda

Thursday, February 14, 2019

How to create Values as Developer?

If we talking about the development of an application then there are following things concerns the most.

1. Handy, Clean, Sober and Easy to understandable, User Input interface. which is simply known as a user interface or a front-end.

2. The Backend, which has lots of data processing procedures, functions, and formulas, which works on user inputs, should be very well written, optimized, updated and should be very well commented.

3. The Reporting or Outputs or main objective of the application should be How effectively, efficiently and quickly can be delivered without causing legging.

4. The Database structure, where the user's highly important data has been saved to connect, all the missing dots of the application.

So, a developer with a good vision, will consider all the above points and design a whole software based on the same consideration.

When we help the user to input the required field within their comfort it creates value.

1. When we help the user to process their data to form an output within their available resources like office version, RAM, Windows version and so on... creates value

2. When we help a user to provide the most effective output above than their actual requirement, creates values.

3. When a user can access and edit and update their earlier records easily, creates values.

4. When a developer design an application by considering for the next 5 years, creates values.

and only Value factor can exponentially grow and that's how your reputation grows exponentially and makes you a more profound developer in the market, which is itself a huge reward which further creates demand of yours as a developer.

- Kamal Bharakhda

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Fastest Method to Copy Filtered Data in Excel VBA

Yesterday in my post,

related to 'Copy the "Filtered" Data from Sheet1 to the Sheet2' and Mr. Mehmet, asked the following thing in addition to the provided solution and here was his query

"Many of Excel users are using excel as Database and they are facing huge datasets such as 500k rows and 100 columns. Could you please provide a faster way to copy and paste data such as arrays or advanced filter or anything that you would suggest us."


Now, I think Mr. Paul Kelly has your answer with such great detail as never seen or experimented before. I would like to thank him for his effort to get such figures which are mentioned in the image attached to this post.

So the basic query of my friend Mehmet is to know all about which method is Fastest of all.

So Mr. Paul has conducted his own speed test to know which method is really quick in the average scenario.

Here is his post in his words


"These speed tests on copying and filtering data really surprised me.

I didn't think Advanced Filter would be the fastest method.

The columns headers are the number of rows of data in the test.

The values are the time in milliseconds to filter and copy the results to a worksheet."


Thank you so much, Mr. Paul Kelly, again for these surprising data and hope at least we have found the best method to perform such a task.

- Kamal Bharakhda

IsValidPasswordString Function

'Following function will verify if the password string contains following characters or not? Rem : List of Characters Group - ASCII Rem ...